Patching leaky rowboat

🚣 Our rowboat is leak-free!

Our used-to-be duck boat had a few leaks, so we had to patch it. We have tried spraying stuff on it in the past but it never fixed it, plus we had a large hole that spray would not cover. We decided to try fiberglassing the spots as a more permanent solution. Below is a video of the process.

The Process

We first scraped the old spray-on sealer off and sanded the surface.

Then we poured the fiberglass resin into a dish and added the hardener (1 oz resin=10 drops hardener)
A small amount of the mixture was brushed onto the surface then the fiberglass material was placed down and the rest of the mixture (1 oz per patch for us) was poured onto it.
Using a brush, we worked the resin into the material until it was mostly clear and scraped it to smoothen the surface and edges.
This dried overnight and when we put in in our pond, we did not find any leaks.


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