
Showing posts from July, 2018

Our Squash

🌿 Our Squash is out of Control Squash has taken over our garden! There were squash (summer & winter squash, pumpkins, and melons) seeds in our compost and we put our compost dirt on almost everything. Now the Squash has spread everywhere. We did plant squash in rows with hog panels bent over them in an arch, but now the squash has spread out over a large area.  Compost pile in background covered with squash. Potatoes in foreground.

Our Red and Black Raspberries

🌿 Raspberries and Black Caps This spring we finally organized our raspberries and transplanted some black caps (aka. black raspberries) to rows.  Before this spring we did not have rows, just a huge patch with very unorganized plants and lots of weeds (pesky thistles).  We have a very nice harvest this year. wild black caps: left: behind our tomato greenhouse; right: next to our other berries